Tell Your Inner Voice To F*$%^ Off.
Truthfully, I need to write this to remind myself , more than I need to tell you, so here we go. Snapchat filters fix everything 😗 I cried during my workout tonight. Silent little tears rolling down with my sweat through every jab, hook, and kick. When I started, I really just needed to let off steam, but by the end, it got a little more deep than that, and I was filling my brain with thoughts that did not need to be there. "you aren't enough." JAB CROSS HOOK "people are laughing at you." UPPERCUT REAR KNEE SWITCH KNEE "do you really think you can be that successful." TEARS I was beating myself up while beating up the air. I felt worse after my workout than I had before I started! I thought maybe yoga would help, as it usually does, and I was wrong 😴 I laid there in corpse pose for 15 minutes, throwing jabs at myself. "really, you couldn't hold that pose?" BREATHE. "WOW your arms are weak ...