Cutting the Sh*t
A funny thing happens when you decide to live your best life. It's like all the bullshit just magically rolls away. That, or you just decide to ignore it.
I'm that mom that leaves their child in the middle of the isle when he throws a fit. He is almost always messy/dirty/muddy. I am almost always messy/dirty/muddy. Sometimes we eat vegan for a week. Sometimes we have gummy frogs for dinner. And while we're rooted in our faith, Abe has been saying "oh shit!" for days now.
We're not perfect, and like any other family we have our rough moments, but our hearts are ALWAYS happy. Why? Because we don't bullshit.
Have you noticed how many people put on a front these days? I will admit, I was there at one point too, and you know what? IT'S EXHAUSTING. Waking up every morning with the intent of pretending all day for people you don't even like to make them think you're a 'better version' of who you actually are?
Let's stop right there - YOU ARE ENOUGH. Just as you are. You are enough. But, if you are unhappy with who or where you are, you have the power to change that.
I appreciate realness and honesty because it's hard to find these days, which is why we're a no-shit family. To us, that means 1. we don't lie to each other, and 2. we do what's best for our family, and say fuck everyone else. Do I get dirty looks when I walk away from one of Abel's tantrums. You betcha. Do I care? NOPE. The dirty-look givers are not raising my son. If they did, they would probably never shop in public. He is 2. He is learning his emotions. He is learning he doesn't get to be an asshole. He's learning to act politely. Me walking away doesn't signify that I don't love him and I refuse to deal with him. It signifies that he needs to realize that behavior is not okay, and he can continue to shop with me when he's calmed down. Until then, I'll wait at the end of the isle, smiling at the dirty-look givers.
I do what's best for us and what makes us happy at the end of the day, not what other people expect us to do or what we're 'supposed' to do. I don't pretend to be happy when I'm not. I don't say 'nothing' if Trevor asks what's wrong, when there is something wrong. I don't pretend I'm the greatest 'ha-ha look at how smart my son is, we're learning our ABC's and Spanish' mom, because some days we barely get our teeth brushed. I'm a real person with flaws and strengths and downfalls and emotions - and it's okay.
Because only I know how our family runs and what we need. Much like you are the only one who knows what you need in your life. We don't put on a front, we don't pretend for other people. We are who we are and if you don't like it, then that's okay, because either way, we're happy with who we are. Cutting theshit doesn't mean you get to be a jerk, it means continuously choosing to do what is best for you. To cut the shit is live your best life, and to live your best life is to live happily.
When was the last time you cut theshit?
Let's stop right there - YOU ARE ENOUGH. Just as you are. You are enough. But, if you are unhappy with who or where you are, you have the power to change that.
I appreciate realness and honesty because it's hard to find these days, which is why we're a no-
I do what's best for us and what makes us happy at the end of the day, not what other people expect us to do or what we're 'supposed' to do. I don't pretend to be happy when I'm not. I don't say 'nothing' if Trevor asks what's wrong, when there is something wrong. I don't pretend I'm the greatest 'ha-ha look at how smart my son is, we're learning our ABC's and Spanish' mom, because some days we barely get our teeth brushed. I'm a real person with flaws and strengths and downfalls and emotions - and it's okay.
Because only I know how our family runs and what we need. Much like you are the only one who knows what you need in your life. We don't put on a front, we don't pretend for other people. We are who we are and if you don't like it, then that's okay, because either way, we're happy with who we are. Cutting the
When was the last time you cut the
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