Stop Adding Me to Your FB Parties.

Instead, have a conversation with me. Interact with me. Talk to me as a person, not as a sale. I promise you, I understand how difficult network marketing can be. I know it's not easy to bust out of your shell and send messages and engage with people who you think will just see you as a salesman. The solution? Stop being a salesman.

MLM's(network marketing) offers a pretty intriguing safety net for aspiring entrepreneurs that want to make their own hours, run their own biz, and have financial freedom with less risk than doing a startup of their own. Not to mention 20% of millionaires in America are made through network marketing. Yeah, let that sink in. But wtf is network marketing??

It's NOT a pyramid scheme. MLM's are completely 100% legal, and here is why - let's take Coca Cola for example. Coca Cola is a gigantic company, worth oodles of money, and spend it on advertising. They don't need any real people to advertise their products, they can afford to do it through TV, radio, internet ads, etc. They're good! MLM's are smaller, and don't have the funds large companies do to spend on advertising. So instead, they find real people that use and believe in what they have to offer. You become the advertiser; you help the company grow, and they reward you(heavily) through commission, bonuses, trips, training, etc. Every advertiser makes the same percentage as the rest and there is no 'higher up.' You have all the potential in the world to make more than the person who is above you or anyone who's been doing this for years longer than you. You truly are your own #bosslady. It's actually a pretty sweet deal.

Unfortunately, not all companies are created equal, and some are giving their advertisers pretty crappy marketing advise, which is why you(and I) are getting added into a million different FB groups with out a single message from the creator. Likewise, you'll run into a lot of people promising(or posting) about people who want to make $500/1,000/10,000 just from working on their phone! Which is partially true - I built the foundation of my business from my phone. But the cupcake and rainbow filter they use around their 'pitch' is not so true. It takes work. Courage, passion, late nights, early mornings, real work if you want to see real success in an MLM. One thing people don't do in network marketing is treat their business like it's a real business, and that's where people start to drop off because 'it just doesn't work.' No boo boo, you didn't work. Check out these statistics from a myth busting article by Ted Nuyten>

  • 82% of direct sellers have been with their current direct selling company for one year or more, and 47% for five years or more.
  • 89% of direct sellers rate their personal experience in direct selling as excellent, very good, or good.
  • 84% of direct sellers say that direct selling meets or exceeds their expectations as a good way to supplement their income or as a way to make a little extra money for themselves.
  • 91% of direct sellers say that direct selling meets or exceeds their expectations as a business where the harder they work the more money they can make.
  • 78% direct sellers who are in direct selling for less than a year report that they are very or extremely likely to continue as a direct seller in the future

Amazing what happens with a little hard work, right? He also goes on to say 

"It is easy to start a MLM business, which can be a "threat". People do not take their new venture serious as the investment is low, and treat it as a "hobby". If you treat your business as a hobby you will likely to get paid as a hobby. They enjoy their products but will not get paid for doing nothing. Is that a failure of the MLM system? Do not think so…. There is no business in the world where you get paid to do nothing…..
A good MLM – Network Marketing company gives money back (usually 90%) if business kits and/or products/services initial cost are returned within 90 days (some up to one year). So it is a great way to try a business at low or no risk. If it doesn't suit somebody, they can drop out with little or no loss. In general: people who take serious action makes money in MLM and enjoy the fruits of the opportunity."

I myself am a diamond Beachbody coach, because despite having a love for fitness pre-pregnancy and during, after I had Abe I lost ALL motivation to workout but I felt pretty gross carrying around that extra 30 pounds of baby weight - I 110% am in love with the workout programs and the nutrition guides and I know what it's like to not be happy in your own body, so I pass my knowledge forward to other moms who are unhappy so I can help bring back their joy! I'm almost 2 years in and though it takes work, I can never imagine giving up what coaching has given me - physically, mentally, and emotionally.

That's what MLM's are all about;not sales or quick in and out relationships, but truly wanting to share the info with people you have a burning desire to help. My #1 advice to all my networking badasses out there - be real. Be authentic. Have real conversations, and give a damn about people and what you can really do for them. And stop inviting to groups without messaging first, please. Bottom line - always do your research, make sure you've got a real connection, and find your passion.

***Here are my fave personal development books to help discover your passion and connect with people to grow your business. You go, baby cakes'!

If you're a network marketing badass yourself, leave a link below and a description of what you provide to share with everyone! For info on me and what I do, shoot me an email or visit my site


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