Tell Your Inner Voice To F*$%^ Off.

Truthfully, I need to write this to remind myself, more than I need to tell you, so here we go. 

Snapchat filters fix everything 😗

I cried during my workout tonight. Silent little tears rolling down with my sweat through every jab, hook, and kick. When I started, I really just needed to let off steam, but by the end, it got a little more deep than that, and I was filling my brain with thoughts that did not need to be there.

"you aren't enough."
"people are laughing at you."
"do you really think you can be that successful."

I was beating myself up while beating up the air. I felt worse after my workout than I had before I started! I thought maybe yoga would help, as it usually does, and I was wrong 😴

I laid there in corpse pose for 15 minutes, throwing jabs at myself.

"really, you couldn't hold that pose?"
"WOW your arms are weak today."
"you'll never get that low!"

SO MUCH FOR YOGA! I finally opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling for Lord knows how long, feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders, and like it always happens, BAM - light bulb.

The voice in my head is a douchebag! I had an awesome day, so uh, why are you talking to me like I just spit in your cheerio's, inner voice?! Am I living my dream life right now? NO. But I'm taking steps every day to get there, so why don't you shut yer face.

I get so caught up in where we want to be, what I want to have for us, that sometimes I forget to see the things I'm doing to move us forward. Everything now is all instant gratification - 2 day free shipping, fast track college degrees, drive through and delivery systems everywhere. No wonder every one feels like a failure sometimes! It's like if you don't have it all figured out by 25 you never will! What ever happened to enjoying the ride?? Enjoying the ups and downs and curves and learning to figure it all out?

Smiling like an idiot laying on the ground, I remembered just how beautiful our ride is. I pushed out that dumb voice and I made room for only positive thoughts in muh brain, and SO SHOULD YOU. You don't have to be perfect or be exactly where you want to be, as long as you're taking action to get there. And you know the only thing that will slow you down? That STUPID inner voice telling you that suck. Bad days don't matter. Bad breaks don't matter. The day by day bullshit DON'T MATTER! You are literally the only one hearing that voice, and whether or not you choose to listen is up to you. You don't need to have it all figured out. You don't need to work yourself to the bone for the 'end goal.' Does it really matter how quickly you get there if you're unhappy the whole time? That voice that's trying to convince you that you're not doing enough is a liar.

Every time that asshole comes sneaking back into your brain, I want you to shove a sock in it, and tell yourself this instead ;
"I am capable."
"I am worthy."
"I am ENOUGH."

Say it again and again, and again, and again, as many times as you need to hear it. Take a piece of paper, write it down, and read it every day. Write it in the comments below right now so you can see it. Tell yourself every morning, noon, and night, and say it again every time you take another step toward that goal. Continuously remind yourself that these are TRUTHS and that your inner voice is a bully that ain't shit. (I mean really, sit around and talk smack all day? GET A LIFE.) 


  1. Fabulous post and great because it encourages others to do the sam!

    1. Thank you so much! I can only hope to reach those that need to hear it!

  2. Wonderful post! I too often battle with that inner voice. I'm learning how to silence it though and I'm glad you are too. You got this!

    1. Thank you so much! I am so glad to hear that!! It's always a toughie but eventually it will go away, or at least get quieter lol!!


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