How to be More Disciplined When You Have NO Self Control

I've always loved the idea of not being what people expected me to be. Statistics showed that me, an overweight, depressed, lonely 8th grader with a 'troubled childhood,' would likely drop out of school, probably get hooked on drugs, and do nothing with my life. HA. Back then I will admit, I had no self control or discipline. I ate whatever I wanted because I wanted to, and I didn't stop until I made myself sick because it was just so good. So how did that chubby(okay, fat) girl blossom into work from home biz owner happily married mom? Mind control. Kind of. Really, it's just tricking your brain into being productive. It works like this - say you've got something you want to change, like, lose 80 pounds(HALLELUJAH) for instance, but you can't stop eating. You can't just BREAK a habit, that's why it's called a habit - you're used to it. But you can trick yourself, just like this... Pick your goal. This might hurt ...