Why Being A Mom Sucks.
Okay, obviously that isn't true. Abe is my reason for life (DUH), and the reason I wanted to work from home in the first place. The standards of mothers now though, THAT'S what sucks. Have you checked the standards lately? Let's recap -
I, as a stay at home mom, am supposed to be beautiful, cheerful, witty, and intelligent, without being too sassy. I should be in good shape (for carrying another human inside of me), and a wonderful cook, but ONLY healthy food, of course, because if not I'm making my family obese. The house should be well kept always, and Abel should be well dressed, well spoken, always clean, and know long division by age 5.
I strive to workout 5 days/week. We eat healthy 80% of the time. We laugh and play and have fun outside, and tomorrow is even Abe's first day of Tinkergarten! But there are days I don't get a lot of work done, or laundry, or vacuum, or dishes, or anything, really. Some days I DO want a pop and maybe an extra serving or two of carbs. Because you know what would happen if I didn't? I WOULD LOSE MY SHIT! Why is it that mom's are held to such high standards but yet are still seen as 'just a mom'?
Sometimes I might get funny looks in the store when Abe decides it's time to just absolutely loses his shit and I give in and give him a damn candy bar, 'cause it's just been that kind of day. I am almost positive before too long, I will hear Abe shout an obscenity, probably in a very inappropriate setting, because I am not a perfect person(and I might have road rage.) While situations like that are embarrassing, they don't mean I love my son any less. They don't mean I don't do my damnest to give him a life where he's happy, healthy, and also well mannered most of the time. He is learning discipline and patience and all the awful boring things I will make him learn, but we also have fun and he laughs and giggles more during the day than not. My family is healthy, my husband is happy and an extremely loving father and hubby. I might not be 'high standard's' mom, but I'm good enough for my boys and that's good enough for me.
So next time you get a snarky look from some one that CLEARLY does not know your life, very gracefully, secretively if you have to, give them a big fat middle finger and a smile. 😁
From one decent mom to another 💋💕
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