Shifting Your Mindset

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't - you're right.' - Henry Ford

How many times have you heard that one, am I right? It always seems to be the first phrase you hear out of coaches, teachers, mentors, guidance counselors:basically everyone who is trying to inspire you to be a better YOU. The real question is, why?

BECAUSE IT'S POWERFUL SHIT! You may have heard it so many times it's lost it's sheen, but if you really stop and soak it in, the message is astounding. It all comes down to your mindset. Yes, we're going to talk about that little voice in your head again.

That little voice that tells you whether you can or cannot do something, whether or not you're skilled enough to complete whatever task, smart enough to do whatever job, pretty enough to do...whatever. You get it.
If you need a refresher, here is the link to my last inner voice post(Tell Your Inner Voice to F*$%^ Off)

It's time to revisit that bitch. Have you been repeating your mantra to yourself? Well get ready to do it again! 

"I am capable."
"I am worthy."
"I am ENOUGH."

Okay, now that it's fresh, let's talk about your daily mindset. What consumes your mind, controls your life. Therefore, your life is only as good as your mindset. Are you feeding it self doubt, criticism, or just total crap??? Then STAAAAAHP for all that is holy and start feeding it self love, positivity, happiness;you know, good shit

Now I want you to stop and think about all the times you didn't do something solely because you thought you couldn't, or we worried of the outcome/how you would look because of it - think really hard and write down the instances you can recall. Were they instances that were challenging to you? Was there an obstacle you thought you couldn't overcome? Maybe...
  • a promotion at work you didn't go for because you didn't think you could get it?
  • signing up for that new boxing class because you thought you'd be the only newbie?
  • sticking with the same old routine because you don't know what will happen if you start to change things up?
  • maybe the time you almost didn't sign up to be a coach because you didn't think people would talk an ex-binge eater/anorexic seriously..?🙋
Because if so GIIIIIIRL I HAVE BEEN THERE! I was there for YEARS - I get it! But you know why you felt like that? That stupid little voice inside your head screwing with your mindset. Can you blame it after feeding it such crap for so long??? Of course it's not going to tell you that every experience - good or bad - is a lesson. You learn from everything;you get better from every experience. But you're not going to hear those things from a Negative Nancy mindset.

What you really needed to hear then, and now, is that every obstacle is a stepping stone to greatness - to finding new things and exploring who you are and who you can be. That a path with NO obstacles, isn't going to be a path worth traveling anyway. That we don't grow when things are easy, but when we face challenges. And also, the only opinion that matters is yours. People looking at you funny? Who cares. They're not you. Fuck 'em. Not because everyone sucks and they're mean and you don't want to be their friend and 'you don't need nobody,' but you don't need no NEGATIVITY. You don't need nobody that's gonna bring you down and bring out that Negative Nancy mindset. No, fuck em and their negativity.

No, this new 'fuck em' mindset shift will not happen overnight. (though when it does happen, it's going to feel SO GOOD) You're gonna need practice. So let's practice, boo.

5 Questions to Develop a GROWTH Mindset

  1. What did I learn from today's overall performance?
  2. What steps did I take to make today successful?
  3. What are some different strategies I could have used?
  4. How did I keep going when things got tough?
  5. What can I learn from today?
Asking questions like this make you not only recognize what you did, but what you can do better(IE EVERY DAY IS A NEW DAY TO LEARN) and grow from it.

5 Feedback Comments to Develop a GROWTH Mindset

  1. This will be a challenging concept to learn, but I believe I can master it.
  2. I haven't got it yet, but I will if I keep working and thinking about it.
  3. I recognize and appreciate my effort today.
  4. It's okay to take risks, that's how I learn.
  5. Getting better takes time and I see myself improving.
Say these thing right now. Feels good, right? Positive affirmations are a beautiful thing.

This whole mindset thing controls your whole life, believe it or not. Self discipline starts with the mastery of your thoughts, so if you don't control what you think, you can't control what you do. Always finding the worst possible scenario, will always lead you to a)the worst case scenario, or b)the scenario you're already in. No changes, bad, or excellent. Staying in the same spot, forever. 'Cause that sounds fun.

Your mind will always believe what you feed it, so feed it faith. Feed it truth. Feed it love. Watch your life blossom.

What's one thing you want to accomplish that you haven't done yet because of your inner voice? When will you do it??

All my love, Sammi




  1. I really enjoyed this post! One thing that came to my mind as I was reading was a moment from a TED Talk by Brene Brown where she refers to TED as "The Failure Conference". People who do great things do not run away from failing; they learn from it! Self-talk is the key to embracing what life can teach us! Great post!

    1. Yes, absolutely!! Failure is just another stepping stone! Thank you so much <3

  2. It's not always easy to change your mindset, but these questions and comments are so so helpful! Though it's tough to change your mindset, it's POSSIBLE and often extremely important. Thanks for sharing!

    xo, Taylor || The Millennial Sprinkle (

    1. I am so glad you enjoyed it!! It's definitely not something you can do once and be done, but it's so crucial! Thanks so much!

  3. Really great post! Can totally relate to it. The right mindset is so important when it comes to overcoming obstacles.

    1. Absolutely! So glad you enjoyed it, thanks for reading!

  4. I loved this article, we all need to help ourselves grow and overcome mental obstacles as well as actual ones. And there's no growth without going through some tough times, so all we can do is work on ourselves and prepare to overcome them.

    1. Amen! The book I'm currently reading goes deep into that fact - there will ALWAYS be problems, but focusing on what's really important, what we should really be upset about, is how we overcome the overwhelm and lead happy lives!

    2. Thanks so much for reading!


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