HEYO! Currently sitting in my skivvies enjoying a well deserved rest day after finishing week one of my new group - SHIFT SHOP.

If you've been following my snapchat (SammiNorman) then you were the first to see it all unfold on the daily. Now it's time to get into the nitty gritty -
I'll be totally honest, mostly because of the moving/unpacking stress and the wonderful monthly visitor we all love to hate, my nutrition was total CRAP this week. Still 1000x better than my best days 5 years ago, but compared to my normal 'on top of it' self, TOTAL SHIT SHOW. Even still, I felt GOOD this week. I felt good even when I ate like crap, because these workouts were challenging.
Switching between cardio and weights day to day is usually not my thing. I really don't like to do it that way actually, but this is meant to challenge mind and body, so, I figured let's go with it. Surprising, I actually really liked this structure. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, I did SPEED aka cardio, only equipment I needed was my agility markers - which we'll get into later - while Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday was total body strength, a weighted workout designed to hit every part of your body, and YES IT DID. Only equipment required on those days was a single pair of medium weight dumbbells. Straightforward and to the point - I'm of in love with the set up!
Because the workouts alternate throughout the week, you truly only need a pair of dumbbells(I used 12 lbs) and 2 out of 4 of the agility markers - basically visual place holders you use to travel back and forth from during traveling exercises.
Me and some of my girls with our agility markers! Adorbs, right?
You can print them, buy them, use whatever you have at home - doesn't matter! I got mine off Amazon because they're actually pot holders - DOUBLE USE!
This week the workouts were 25 minutes and set up as 60 seconds of work, 20-30 seconds of rest before the next move begins. Again, not usually a style I enjoy but something about these workouts just pumps me up. Best part is, Abe LOVED to do the cardio with me. A lot of the moves are compound movements so they hit multiple muscle groups, which is PERF for me with my bum hip - I tried the 15 minute core workout and my hips just could not do it - but I believe if it were anyone else, these moves, while challenging, are totally doable for an extra punch to the abs on Thursdays and Saturdays.
The meal plan was pretty simple this week - very similar to my basic macro container system which was nice. However, this program is designed to 'ramp up' every week - so the workouts get harder and carbs start to disappear from the meal plan! NOT something I'm super excited about, I don't believe carbs are the enemy - but I'm willing to try for these 3 weeks! Either way, I've been incredibly grateful to have my power smoothie after every workout because I NEED that extra boost of goodness.
All in all, not a bad week. Okay I'm being modest - I am in LOVE with this program right now. The structure sits well with me, I love the compound movements, and the meal plan, while I'm not excited about losing my carbs, is still very similar to the one I use normally. It's a shift - it's challenging - but it's a reset for your mind and body - that's why it's only 3 weeks! Week one is over and I'm preeeeetty stoked to see what week 2 has got in store. Tomorrow brings harder, longer workouts(35 min) and cutting my carbs in HALF. LET'S DO THIS!
If you want to see my post and pre workout shenanigans and get the daily scoop on how I'm doing, follow me on Snapchat! (SammiNorman)
Check back next Sunday for a brief run down on week 2
All my love, Sammi
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