HEYO! Currently sitting in my skivvies enjoying a well deserved rest day after finishing week one of my new group - SHIFT SHOP . If you've been following my snapchat (SammiNorman) then you were the first to see it all unfold on the daily. Now it's time to get into the nitty gritty - I'll be totally honest, mostly because of the moving/unpacking stress and the wonderful monthly visitor we all love to hate, my nutrition was total CRAP this week. Still 1000x better than my best days 5 years ago, but compared to my normal 'on top of it' self, TOTAL SHIT SHOW. Even still, I felt GOOD this week. I felt good even when I ate like crap, because these workouts were challenging . Switching between cardio and weights day to day is usually not my thing. I really don't like to do it that way actually, but this is meant to challenge mind and body, so, I figured let's go with it. Surprising, I actually really li...